Technology transfer

Being at the side of businesses during the innovation process

The rapid advancement of technology represents the greatest challenge for businesses. The transfer of technology and knowledge clears the direct road to innovation for you.

We will visit you at your business, analyse the challenges or develop jointly with you new ideas and approaches to solutions for technological problems.

We develop concepts with you for projects and research strategies, facilitate access to current technological know-how, and manage transfer projects.

Our service range covers the analysis of the problem, multi-disciplinary forum discussions as well as creative discussions with experts, holding company-internal workshops, and structuring R&D development projects.

The long-term Science- Fit Initiative is one good example of this.

Conjoining the university and businesses for research and innovation

Successful enterprises today are in touch with universities in order to take the lead in innovation by means of future-oriented research.

The Research & Innovation Service is the contact point, coordinator and partner for cooperative partnerships between the department chairs of Montanuniversität and private businesses.

We organise discussion forums with selected experts of Montanuniversität.

Our networks form an excellent basis for the development of specific technological solutions for the challenges of private enterprise and science.


For all those interested, we organise visits to the institute so you can get an impression of the topical fields that are relevant to you, take a look at the research infrastructure, and get a chance to speak with researchers about the latest state of the art.

We offer inhouse-training on request.

Take this opportunity to get to know us, the team of the Research & Innovation Service, and find out more about future technologies.

Research clusters, networking and innovation projects

Technology transfer is subject to constant further development in terms of methods as well as technology. We work together with enterprises on demanding and complex topics in cooperative transfer projects.

For this purpose, the technology transfer team actively deigns projects with cooperation clusters from industry and research.

We are primarily focused on interdisciplinary projects involving several department chairs. These are frequently


  • European projects such as: IAMRRI
Technology-oriented studies, roadmaps, foresight

Innovation requires a forward-looking planning and anticipatory shaping of the future.

Studies, participatory roadmaps and foresight open a view of future challenges and developments.


In addition:

The results are many impulses and opportunities for research and targeted innovation.

Our offer for the drafting of studies, roadmaps or foresights targets both individual businesses as well as large consortia of partners from the private economy, science and public administration.

Partnerships, networks and forums

We have industry and technology know-how and are actively involved in national and international networks and forums.

This access to a large variety cooperation partners in science and the economy in Austria as well as internationally allows us to contribute to setting the framework conditions and outlining the subject-matters.

This includes activities with stakeholders such as government ministries or public administration, international corporations, and/or research institutes, associations, networks, and clusters besides the civil society.

Below are some examples:

Montanuniversität Leoben:

  • AM@MUL
  • Female Empowerment > follow-up to Girls Only


    • Nano-information Commission (BMSGPK),
    • Member of the BMK (Federal Ministry of Climate Protection, the Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology) Advisory Committee for production and materials, "Green Chemistry" Platform of the BMK
    • AMA Technology Platform
    • BNN-BioNanoNet, SusChem AT, Silicon Alps, plastics cluster
    • IVK-Interessensgruppe Verstärkte Kunststoffe (Interest Group for Reinforced Plastics of the Industry and Trade Association)
    • WTZ-Süd (Research Transfer Centre South)


    • AM Expert Forum, MIM Expert Forum, FPM (Germany)
    • EPMA

    Network partner of:

    MIM Experts

    EPMA (Europe)

    Member of the "Green Chemistry" Platform – Advisory Committee for Production and Materials
    Nano-information Commission

    Plastics cluster

    SusChem Austria

    Member of the Board of Directors, BioNanoNet

    Silicon Alps

    Dr Brigitte Kriszt

    ✆: +43 3842

    Send inquiry by e-mail

    Questions of materials development

    Characterization and processing
    Knowledge and technology transfer
    Technology road-mapping, technology studies, foresight
    Project management of
    networked research projects

    Responsible research and innovation

    Dr Christian Kukla

    ✆  +43 3842 402-8403
    Mobile: +43 664 314 66 90

    Send inquiry by e-mail

    Questions relating to plastics and plastics technology, knowledge & technology transfer: Materials and production technology – additive manufacturing (materials extrusion for compound metals and ceramics materials), micro-nanotechnology, near net shape technologies (powder injection moulding): competence partnership for plastics, sustainable chemistry

    Dipl.-Ing. Jürgen Löschnauer
    (MSc. Engineering)

    ✆ +43 3842 402-8412

    Send inquiry by e-mail

    Start-up workshop planning and organisation            

    Dipl.-Ing. Renate Reumüller
    (MSc. Engineering)

    ✆ +43 3842 402-8405

    Send inquiry by e-mail

    Knowledge- and technology transfer