Knowledge transfer

Events on new technological topics

The greatest challenge for businesses is to keep pace with the rapid advancement of technology.

This requires continuous advanced training of all technical employees.

The Research & Innovation Service organises seminars and specialist conferences for this purpose, targeting companies and all those interested in current topics of technology.


Presenters from private economy and science contribute their knowledge and experience, and provide insights into the current state of knowledge.

Qualification programmes for advanced occupational training

In our "lifelong learning" segment, we offer permanent and comprehensive advanced training in qualification programmes for the area of new technologies, e.g., manufacturing technologies, materials and environmental technologies.

We will put together customised advanced training offers for your company on request.

This training can also be held exclusively for you
as in-house training on request.

Employee competencies in the field of research relating to:
  • partnerships with businesses,

  • innovation, and

  • management of collaborations


Junior researchers are interested in an exchange of ideas with enterprises and involved in many applied research projects with businesses.

Based on our vast knowledge and experience, we offer advanced training for partnerships with businesses and collaborations.


The Research & Innovation Service is a reliable partner for the organisation and implementation of this next generation management training programme.

The objective of the Delta Akademie is to support selected students in elite further training and tap the potential of next generation managers for businesses.


The Delta Akademie's assets include the certificate from St. Gallen University, the high-calibre presenters, and involvement of leading companies as partner firms who co-finance the programme and contribute substance and projects.

More informations at

Dr Brigitte Kriszt

✆ +43 3842 402-8404

Send inquiry by e--mail

Questions of materials development, characterisation and processing

Dr Christian Kukla

✆: +43 3842 402-8403
Mobil: +43 664 314 66 90

Send inquiry by e-mail

Questions relating to plastics and plastics technology

Dipl.-Ing. Gerhard Stelzer
(MSc. Engineering)

✆ +43 3842 402-8406

Send inquiry by e-mail

Data management
IPR research

Dipl.-Ing. Jürgen Löschnauer
(MSc. Engineering)

✆ +43 3842 402-8412

Send inquiry by e-mail

Technology transfer, cooperation with the economic sector:


Dipl.-Ing. Renate Reumüller
(MSc. Engineering)

✆ +43 3842 402-8405

Send inquiry by e-mail

Knowledge and technology transfer for plastics