The objective of the knowledge and technology transfer is to conjoin research and innovation. We develop future scenarios and roadmaps for the early anticipation of needs and trends. Our market and business knowledge helps us to create a network of innovative front runners with scientific institutes of Montanuniversität and to forge partnerships for the joint development of solutions to future challenges.
The patent service office of Montanuniversität Leoben offers scientific employees
expert advice and information about all questions relating to industrial property rights (patents, trademarks, design patents, copyrights).
Montanuniversität established the ZAT – the University Centre for Applied – in the year 1999 and has maintained it since then.
The Centre stimulates and supports start-up enterprises in the early phase, from the drafting of the business concept, and during the first two years from the founding. The Centre for Applied Technology supports five actual start-ups per year on average, and additionally, a large number of people interested in starting up a business. By means of business plan contests, events, trainings, and lectures, we raise awareness for the matter of self-employment.